Softball - Mondays - Spring 🥎
February 19th is the registration deadline. Teams must have 13 Players (meeting the gender requirement rules) by this date. Teams with under 13 registered participants will have free agents added to their team, or will be merged with other small teams, beginning February 20th. *We will max out at 12 teams.
*SOLD OUT FOR TEAMS 1/22/25-Free Agency OPEN!
Alcohol consumption at City of Columbia, Lexington County, or Richland County Parks is Illegal. Violators will be asked to leave, and potentially be removed from the league.
Understanding our Sign Up Options:
- Individual Pricing – A Team Captain may register the team, solely paying for him/herself. Each player on the registered team is responsible for paying for themselves through Team Links at $61 per person.
- Free Agents / Small Groups - $61 per person. Select the Free Agent option (if you are wanting to participate by yourself) or the Small Group option after clicking “Register “above.
*Only slow pitch bats with the USA stamp, or dual-stamped USA AND USSSA certification are permitted. Wood bats and baseball bats are strictly prohibited. (NOTE: The League is the final authority on bat legality. If you have a question regarding bats, email us at [email protected].
Other League Tid Bits:
- Co-Ed, Over-21 (At least 4 participants of each gender is required).
- Game times are between 6PM and 10PM (depending on the amount of teams the league has).
- 7 Scheduled Games + Playoffs for qualifying teams - Teams may have scheduled doubleheaders during the season.
- Everplay T-Shirts will be provided.*It is your responsibility to keep up with your Everplay provided T-Shirt. If you misplace your shirt, you'll need to pay an additional fee for a replacement.
- Everplay Sport & Social Club will make all efforts to reschedule up to 2 weeks of games per season due to weather related cancellations. Any cancellations after that may not be made up due to time and scheduling constraints.
- At least 1 Independent umpire for each game (no self-officiating permitted).
- Winner will receive a sponsor bar gift card, champ gifts, picture with the champ banner, and bragging rights.
- All Players MUST be registered within that individual league, have paid the league fee, and have signed our online waiver to participate in ALL Everplay Sport & Social Club Sports! If "illegal players" are identified, game play penalties will be imposed. (See League Rules)
- For additional questions, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions.
Alcohol consumption at City of Columbia, Lexington County, or Richland County Parks is Illegal.
Sponsor Bars - Please Drink Responsibly!
Js Corner - 1015 Rosewood Dr. Columbia, SC 29205
LEAGUE SPECIALS- $7 Bud Light Pitchers and App Samplers.
Tin Roof - 1022 Senate St. Columbia, SC 29201
LEAGUE SPECIALS- $8 Bud Light Pitchers and $7 Quesadillas.
Format: | Co-Rec |
Official Rules: | Softball Rules |
Location: | Columbia - TS Martin Park |
Registration Dates: |
Now — Feb 19, '25 Regular & Team Deadline Feb 20, '25 — Mar 31, '25 Captain's Invite Only (Late) |
Max Teams: | 8 |
Team Roster: | 13 Players Minimum, at least 4 of each gender. No Maximum. |
First Game Date: | Monday, March 10, 2025 |
Last Game Date: | Monday, April 28, 2025 |
Postseason Format: | Top 5 teams |
Individual Price: | Regular & Team Deadline $61.00Captain's Invite Only (Late) $69.00 (See Refund Policy) |
Team Price: | Regular & Team Deadline $61.00 per personCaptain's Invite Only (Late) $69.00 per person (See Refund Policy) |